Relocation Resources

We’re here to help you fall in love with Hendry County. When you’re ready to search available properties, discover financing options, and connect to our business community, contact us.

Expansion Resources

When your business needs more space, more people or another location, talk to us about your plans. We’ll connect you to financing tools, to property searches, and to state expansion programs. We have the answers and resources for your business expansion!

Startup Resources

Businesses who start here prosper. There’s an unexpected level of collaboration within the community–private business and government–as well as a common purpose to maintain the enviable lifestyle we all enjoy.

Made in Hendry

Made In Hendry is a strong group of Hendry County companies producing “Made in Hendry” products. Learn more about our existing businesses that have made our community a home for their business.

Futuremakers Coalition

Futuremakers Coalition builds upon a successful regional collaboration launched in 2013 to increase the number of graduating high school students completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA, and tap into more than $3 billion in unclaimed federal college and post-secondary assistance.

Education Improvement Task Force

Education Improvement Task Force is a group of local professionals focused on identifying, addressing, and working together to solve education related challenges in Hendry County.

Leadership Hendry Glades

Leadership Hendry Glades is the premier program for the next generation of leaders in Hendry & Glades County. Connecting the next generation of leadership professionals in our community.

Accessibility Statement

We desire to provide a positive experience and promote accessibility and inclusion to all users. We are actively taking a variety of steps and devoting resources to enhance the accessibility of our website.